Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Hebrews 12:28 calls us to "be thankful." Are we thankful for what we have or are we trulyl thankful for waht God has provided for us? Putting everything into perspective, are we thankful with our actions?

On Sunday, November 16th, our children and families put their thankfulness into action through an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Party. Prior to this Sunday, all of our children and families collected various items for the boxes: toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, soap, toys, crayons, markers, etc. We gathered together in the Welcome Center at BBC and created a large assembly line to fill the boxes.

Our children stuffed and wrapped over 250 shoeboxes that will bring the love of Jesus and Christmas to children around the world.

Perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects of this project was watching the JOY on the faces of our children as they stuffed the boxes. The Bible calls us to be JOYFUL/CHEERFUL GIVERS, but we also need to be JOYFUL/CHEERFUL SERVERS. Our kids were joyful givers in the truest meaning of the words.

Not only should we be thankful this Thanksgiving, but we also need to do something because we are thankful.

The Challenge: What will you do to show others that you are truly THANKFUL?