Monday, March 24, 2008


A challenge to us all... would you be willing to share Jesus with a friend who has faith in something other than Christianity? Would tyou risk your friendship in order to help your friend have eternal security?

On Wednesday evening in Club Z, we discussed how God calls us to follow Him no matter what the cost. With the first and second graders, and even a kindergardener, we shared how God is like air. We know He exists even though we cannot see Him. I gave all of out kids two balloons. I blew up one of the balloons and showed them how the balloon changed when the air entered the balloon. Illustration: the uninflated balloon represents a person without Christ. This person has not fulfilled what God intended them to be and they are empty inside. The inflated balloon represents a life filled with the Holy Spirit. You can see a difference and the purpose is fulfilled with Christ. We also discussed how we must tie the balloon to prevent all of the air from coming out. We must continue to grow in our walk with Christ to keep us inflated.

On Thursday afternoon, I received an e-mail from one of our moms. Here is what is said:
"OK, right this SECOND Jonathan is downstairs witnessing to the little Mormon girl from across the street!!!!!

He asked her if she asked Jesus into her heart (so she could blow up your balloon, Mr. Bill), and she said, "We don't ask Jesus into our heart, He's always with us. I go to a True Church (!) and God is there. Our prophet goes into the temple, where you get married, (she's a 6 y.o. girl - this is important to her!) and God is there."

HE said, "Nope! Mr. Bill says, you have to ask Jesus into your heart. It's not enough just to believe in Him. Right, Mom?" (GULP!)

Not wanting to get into a huge theological discussion with a 6 y.o., who will go home and tell her Mormon MOM that I said her church is a LIE, I said:

"You have to ask Jesus to be your one and only Savior, and you have to believe He's the Son of God."

"No, Mr. Bill definitely said you have to ask Him into your heart."

Here is the challenge:
1) Would you have been able to take the same stand for Christ and your personal faith in Him?
2) Do youknow enough about what you truly believe to defend your faith?
3) Do you know for sure that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior?

Jonathan knew for sure and was willing to share the one and only way to get to heaven, through Jesus Christ. What about you?


Priase God!
Keep Shining,
Mr. Bill

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mallorie Shows the LOVE

God's Word calls us to share His love with everyone we come into contact with whether we know them or not. We can do this with a friendly word or smile, or we can go out of our way to do something of service, even if we have no idea who will receive it.

Four years ago, Mallorie, my daughter, 8 yrs. old, decided that she wanted to grow her hair out and donate it to Locks of Love, a group that helps children who have suffered from cancer and other diseases that cause them to lose their hair.

Mallorie has been diligently growing her hair all this time, and yesterday, she decided it was the day for her to donate her hair. Without hesitation or nervousness, we went to the Hair Gallery together, and Ms. Doris cut 10 inches of hair off Mallorie to donate to Locks of Love.

What a selfless, determined act of love. God calls us to take a stand for HIm in this world, and I am very proud of Mallorie. Not only for the donation of her hair, but because she made a decision 4 years ago and followed through. She remained committed to her decision, and she faithfully and whole-heartedly remained true.

Are we taking the same stand in our daily walk with Christ? Do we stay true to what we say we believe? Are we willing to take as long as God determines?

God wants us to always be true to Him.

WAY TO GO, MALLORIE!!! I am proud of you and your stand! You are an tremendous example! Hopefully, others will follow in your footsteps!

For more info on Locks of Love, visit

Keep Shining,
Mr. Bill